I always think of myself as stuck in the 90s. Most of my playlists on my iPod are songs from the 90s…Our wedding soundtrack was mostly songs from the 80s and 90s…so, this might make me a bit outdated to some. But, recently, meaning this year, I've become a lot more open minded to what I've been listening to. Mostly, I think I just am looking for change. Since going to an EXO concert in the summer, I've been pretty open minded towards listening to the latest K pop songs. Anything colorful and with a beat is pure love for me!
The EXO concert was pretty awesome, by the way. It was the first time I'd ever been to a concert in Hong Kong…and it was the first time listening to a K pop group live. (MUCH THANKS TO MY SPECIAL KOREAN FRIEND WHO SCORED US ALL TICKETS!!!) So EXO was my gateway band into the world of K pop, which I am quite the light listener of these days.
So, when I was exploring the new D Park mall, I was so excited to see that there was a shop dedicated to the K pop style! Or…is it just Korean style? This, I know is popular in some subcultures around this city.
There is a dedicated K-POP Zone in D Park, which is basically just ONE SHOP, I feel...
There is a dedicated K-POP Zone in D Park, which is basically just ONE SHOP, I feel...
And that shop is called SPAO, which is located by two of my favorite things: Starbucks and H&M!
SPAO is a global fashion brand, as it says online, that has clothes for pretty much everyone (men, women and children). The Tsuen Wan shop spans two floors and seemed to have all the latest trends out of Korea (I wouldn't be the first to be called an expert on Korean fashions, but you can just see for yourselves).
I would sort of equate this store to H&M (which was right next door) or maybe Top Shop. The prices of things were pretty nice...I mean, they were the prices of H&M almost because it was a trend-focused shop.
The shop was also decorated floor to ceiling with some pretty awesome photo boards of two of Korea's top K pop bands: AOA (aka Ace of Angels) and EXO. I don't know much about AOA, but the girls are gorgeous and what I think of as the typical K pop girl band (lovely!). The images of EXO are pretty awesome as well…super cool.
The shop is really clean and also pretty empty, which I love. I don't think it has been advertised much…or people haven't really discovered SPAO out there in Tsuen Wan yet…but, I think, when people realize it is there…there will be a cult following of some K pop lovers there.
Heck, I'd wear some of these things because I love the simplicity of some of the styles.
I'm really glad that I bumped into this shop whilst exploring this new mall. There are always some pretty amazing things that I can always find in HONG KONG!